Monday, July 30, 2012

Test Subject

Now, I know by this point you are wondering where such ideas have been tested. I don’t blame you. In fact you should maintain an ideal that requires you test everything. False teachings wonder around among us everywhere. You can weed them out by questioning what doesn’t seem right to you; without fear of confrontation. Any one who is offended by a question and unwilling to concede if proven incorrect; probably knew they were wrong and had unclean intentions to begin with. So who is the test subject in all the experience I am writing about? ME! I, at one point, was merely saved by the grace of God. I was struggling with many more issues than I am now. Some of the highlights or personal victories given to me by faith in Jesus Christ is freedom from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, lying, cheating, stealing, cruelty and much more. I still have much more to work on, but I will guarantee you this; if my self ten years ago met me today he wouldn’t recognize me. Some of my ideas may sound pretty bold. I welcome you to see that the ideas evolved from personal success and are easily defended in the Word of God. For example? Are you prepared to be amazed at some revolutionary thought? I believe that rehabilitation centers only serve as a constructive environment for a forced detox of the body and without an enduring faith and trust in Jesus Christ no man developed program including A.A. or N.A. will ever free you from those vices. Here they come screaming that they have a disease and I agree with them. There is a disease called Sin! I was interned in a treatment facility and attended Alcoholics Anonymous as well as Narcotics Anonymous meetings religiously. What good did it do? None. I was a member of a group of weaklings. Harsh words? The truth is always harsh, and it hurt me when it hit me, but it set me free. John 8: 31-32 So Jesus said to the jews who had believed him, “if you continue in My word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Why would I put my faith in a man-made program and expect success when the Creator has given us a divine rehabilitation program. I only succeeded in defeating Sin when I put my faith in the strength of God, not man. 

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