Mr. Religion Unknown: So you don't think the universe was created?
Mr. No Faith: None of the scientific facts would lead you to that kind of assumption.
Mr. Religion Unknown:You can't seriously say that you don't see a design in any of the organisms around us.
Mr. No Faith: That designed look could just as well be coincidence.
Mr. Religion Unknown: So you think this is all an accident?
Mr. No Faith: I am not saying that, however I am saying that the mathematical equations of the universe show a more random appearance based on the full circuit of possible outcomes.
Mr. Religion Unknown: So you are saying there is no possible intelligence or design behind the creation?
Mr. No Faith: You sure love throwing the creation word around. The universe's origin is better related to Russian Roulette.
Mr. Religion Unknown: So what caused that very initial spark that caused the universe? You do believe in cause and effect do you not?
Mr. No Faith: Don't patronize me about basic scientific methodology. Nobody knows yet what the initial cause was.
Mr. Religion Unknown: So it wasn't God?
Mr. No Faith: There is no God. Only an ignorant person would acclaim the origins of the universe to a delusion of grandeur for weak minded fools.
Mr. Religion Unknown: Those are harsh words and there are over eighty billion people in the world who might disagree with you.
Mr. No Faith: No God created the universe. It may be possible that the earth was seeded by a higher evolved civilization.
Mr. Religion Unknown: You think we may have been created by aliens?
Mr No Faith: Not created but planted here and allowed to evolve.
Mr. Religion Unknown: Then I am a science experiment for aliens.
Mr. No Faith: It is just a theory.
Mr. Religion Unknown: Like evolution?
Mr. No Faith: And your theory is a mythological delusion who cannot be found to be a force in our very surrounding.
Mr. Religion Unknown: Why would an almighty being present himself for your experiments?
Mr. No Faith: As usual you are simply trying to bait me.
Mr. Religion Unknown: Just one serious question. I mean it.
Mr. No Faith: So what do you have?
Mr. Religion Unknown: What started the universe?
Mr. No Faith: We don't know, but we think we may be able to come up with an idea with the right studies.
Mr. Religion Unknown: So you don't know?
Mr. No Faith: We don't know.
Mr. Religion Unknown: But it wasn't God?
Mr. No Faith: It wasn't God. When are you going to bring proof instead of punching holes in my on going work?
Mr. Religious Unknown: I'm not saying God has to be part of the talk but I think there are things to intelligent design that should be discussed.
So as I walked away with a busy thought running through my head I realized that I have an answer and the athiests don't. At least I can fill in the blanks. There you have it.
One guy pains over life with no driving purpose/While another has a mission. A dangerous mission that he may not even finish while living in the flesh. He has a battle to fight, a purpose to life eternal. Thank you lord for calling me.